
标题: Arduino-based AVR High Voltage Programmer [打印本页]

作者: liyf    时间: 2011-11-26 09:19
标题: Arduino-based AVR High Voltage Programmer
Arduino-based AVR High Voltage ProgrammerSeptember 24th, 2008 by Jeff
Update 01/02/09: A PCB version of this circuit is in the design stages – some preliminary information is here.
Update 03/11/09: Kits based on this design are now for sale!
Update 12/14/10: The original AVR HV Rescue Shield kit has been replaced by the new and improved HV Rescue Shield 2.  Visit the HV Rescue Shield 2 product page for information about the new kit!
As I mentioned earlier this week, I recently “lost” an ATmega168 due to flashing the configuration fuses to disable the RESET pin, without realizing that this makes the device impossible to reflash with SPI.  This is particularly frustrating because the device is still 100% functional, just completely deaf to ordinary serial programmers.  The only way to recover the device is using what Atmel calls “High Voltage Parallel Programming Mode” which very few programmers support, most importantly, not the USBtinyISP I otherwise love.
Fortunately, my trusty Arduino came to the rescue – I created an Arduino-based AVR programmer that uses the high voltage programming mode and can fix pesky fuses like RSTDISBL.
The Arduino has just enough IO to implement the entire HV protocol plus a “go” button.  So far I have only implemented setting LFUSE and HFUSE in software, but there is no reason why the code couldn’t be extended to support chip erase and programming the entire flash as well.
The fuse programming process is simple:
Here is an Eagle schematic of the HV Programming shield (click to enlarge):
Update 12/17/08:  An observant reader pointed out that there were three errors in the way GND/AGND, AREF and VCC/AVCC were connected on the target AVR in the original schematic.  The errors have been fixed and the updated schematic is below.  Apologies for any confusion this caused.
Parts list:
A kit version of this project is available.  Visit the HV Rescue Shield 2 product page for more information.

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